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Text File | 1997-11-15 | 51.1 KB | 1,264 lines |
- Assembly HOWTO
- Franτois-RenΘ Rideau rideau@ens.fr
- v0.4l, 16 November 1997
- This is the Linux Assembly HOWTO. This document describes how to pro¡
- gram in assembly using FREE programming tools, focusing on development
- for or from the Linux Operating System on i386 platforms. Included
- material may or may not be applicable to other hardware and/or soft¡
- ware platforms. Contributions about these would be gladly accepted.
- keywords: assembly, assembler, free, macroprocessor, preprocessor,
- asm, inline asm, 32-bit, x86, i386, gas, as86, nasm
- 1.1. Legal Blurp
- Copyright ⌐ 1996,1997 by Franτois-RenΘ Rideau. This document may be
- distributed under the terms set forth in the LDP license at
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/COPYRIGHT.html>.
- This is expectedly the last release I'll make of this document.
- There's one candidate new maintainer, but until he really takes the
- HOWTO over, I'll accept feedback.
- You are especially invited to ask questions, to answer to questions,
- to correct given answers, to add new FAQ answers, to give pointers to
- other software, to point the current maintainer to bugs or
- deficiencies in the pages. If you're motivated, you could even TAKE
- OVER THE MAINTENANCE OF THE FAQ. In one word, contribute!
- To contribute, please contact whoever appears to maintain the
- Assembly-HOWTO. Current maintainers are Franτois-RenΘ Rideau
- <mailto:rideau@clipper.ens.fr> and now Paul Anderson
- <mailto:paul@geeky1.ebtech.net>.
- 1.3. Foreword
- This document aims at answering frequently asked questions of people
- who program or want to program 32-bit x86 assembly using free
- assemblers, particularly under the Linux operating system. It may
- also point to other documents about non-free, non-x86, or non-32-bit
- assemblers, though such is not its primary goal.
- Because the main interest of assembly programming is to build to write
- the guts of operating systems, interpreters, compilers, and games,
- where a C compiler fails to provide the needed expressivity
- (performance is more and more seldom an issue), we stress on
- development of such software.
- 1.3.1. How to use this document
- This document contains answers to some frequently asked questions. At
- many places, Universal Resource Locators (URL) are given for some
- software or documentation repository. Please see that the most useful
- repositories are mirrored, and that by accessing a nearer mirror site,
- you relieve the whole Internet from unneeded network traffic, while
- saving your own precious time. Particularly, there are large
- repositories all over the world, that mirror other popular
- repositories. You should learn and note what are those places near
- you (networkwise). Sometimes, the list of mirrors is listed in a
- file, or in a login message. Please heed the advice. Else, you should
- ask archie about the software you're looking for...
- The most recent version for this documents sits in
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Assembly-HOWTO> or
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Assembly-HOWTO.sgml>
- but what's in Linux HOWTO repositories should be fairly up to date,
- too (I can't know):
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/> (?)
- A french translation of this HOWTO can be found around
- <ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/linux/french/HOWTO/>
- 1.3.2. Other related documents
- ╖ If you don't know what free software is, please do read carefully
- the GNU General Public License, which is used in a lot of free
- software, and is a model for most of their licenses. It generally
- comes in a file named COPYING, with a library version in a file
- named COPYING.LIB. Litterature from the FSF (free software
- foundation) might help you, too.
- ╖ Particularly, the interesting kind of free software comes with
- sources that you can consult and correct, or sometimes even borrow
- from. Read your particular license carefully, and do comply to it.
- ╖ There is a FAQ for comp.lang.asm.x86 that answers generic questions
- about x86 assembly programming, and questions about some commercial
- assemblers in a 16-bit DOS environment. Some of it apply to free
- 32-bit asm programming, so you may want to read this FAQ...
- <http://www2.dgsys.com/~raymoon/faq/asmfaq.zip>
- ╖ FAQs and docs exist about programming on your favorite platform,
- whichever it is, that you should consult for platform-specific
- issues not directly related to programming in assembler.
- 1.4. History
- Each version includes a few fixes and minor corrections, which needs
- not be repeatedly mentionned every time.
- Version 0.1 23 Apr 1996
- Francois-Rene "FarΘ" Rideau <rideau@ens.fr> creates and
- publishes the first mini-HOWTO, because ``I'm sick of answering
- ever the same questions on comp.lang.asm.x86''
- Version 0.2 4 May 1996
- *
- Version 0.3c 15 Jun 1996
- *
- Version 0.3f 17 Oct 1996
- found -fasm option to enable GCC inline assembler w/o -O
- optimizations
- Version 0.3g 2 Nov 1996
- Created the History. Added pointers in cross-compiling section.
- Added section about I/O programming under Linux (particularly
- video).
- Version 0.3h 6 Nov 1996
- more about cross-compiling -- See on sunsite: devel/msdos/
- Version 0.3i 16 Nov 1996
- NASM is getting pretty slick
- Version 0.3j 24 Nov 1996
- point to french translated version
- Version 0.3k 19 Dec 1996
- What? I had forgotten to point to terse???
- Version 0.3l 11 Jan 1997
- *
- Version 0.4pre1 13 Jan 1997
- text mini-HOWTO transformed into a full linuxdoc-sgml HOWTO, to
- see what the SGML tools are like.
- Version 0.4 20 Jan 1997
- first release of the HOWTO as such.
- Version 0.4a 20 Jan 1997
- CREDITS section added
- Version 0.4b 3 Feb 1997
- NASM moved: now is before AS86
- Version 0.4c 9 Feb 1997
- Added section "DO YOU NEED ASSEMBLY?"
- Version 0.4d 28 Feb 1997
- Vapor announce of a new Assembly-HOWTO maintainer.
- Version 0.4e 13 Mar 1997
- Release for DrLinux
- Version 0.4f 20 Mar 1997
- *
- Version 0.4g 30 Mar 1997
- *
- Version 0.4h 19 Jun 1997
- still more on "how not to use assembly"; updates on NASM, GAS.
- Version 0.4i 17 July 1997
- info on 16-bit mode access from Linux.
- Version 0.4j 7 September 1997
- *
- Version 0.4k 19 October 1997
- *
- Version 0.4l 16 November 1997
- release for LSL 6th edition.
- This is yet another last-release-by-FarΘ-before-new-maintainer-
- takes-over (?)
- 1.5. Credits
- I would like to thanks the following persons, by order of appearance:
- ╖ Linus Torvalds <mailto:buried.alive@in.mail> for Linux
- ╖ Bruce Evans <mailto:bde@zeta.org.au> for bcc from which as86 is
- extracted
- ╖ Simon Tatham <mailto:anakin@poboxes.com> and Julian Hall
- <mailto:jules@earthcorp.com> for NASM
- ╖ Jim Neil <mailto:jim-neil@digital.net> for Terse
- ╖ Greg Hankins <mailto:gregh@sunsite.unc.edu> for maintaining HOWTOs
- ╖ Raymond Moon <mailto:raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com> for his FAQ
- ╖ Eric Dumas <mailto:dumas@excalibur.ibp.fr> for his translation of
- the mini-HOWTO into french (sad thing for the original author to be
- french and write in english)
- ╖ Paul Anderson <mailto:paul@geeky1.ebtech.net> and Rahim Azizarab
- <mailto:rahim@megsinet.net> for helping me, if not for taking over
- the HOWTO.
- ╖ All the people who have contributed ideas, remarks, and moral
- support.
- Well, I wouldn't want to interfere with what you're doing, but here
- are a few advice from hard-earned experience.
- 2.1. Pros and Cons
- 2.1.1. The advantages of Assembly
- Assembly can express very low-level things:
- ╖ you can access machine-dependent registers and I/O.
- ╖ you can control the exact behavior of code in critical sections
- that might involve hardware or I/O lock-ups
- ╖ you can break the conventions of your usual compiler, which might
- allow some optimizations (like temporarily breaking rules about GC,
- threading, etc).
- ╖ get access to unusual programming modes of your processor (e.g. 16
- bit code for startup or BIOS interface on Intel PCs)
- ╖ you can build interfaces between code fragments using incompatible
- conventions (e.g. produced by different compilers, or separated by
- a low-level interface).
- ╖ you can produce reasonably fast code for tight loops to cope with a
- bad non-optimizing compiler (but then, there are free optimizing
- compilers available!)
- ╖ you can produce hand-optimized code that's perfectly tuned for your
- particular hardware setup, though not to anyone else's.
- ╖ you can write some code for your new language's optimizing compiler
- (that's something few will ever do, and even they, not often).
- 2.1.2. The disadvantages of Assembly
- Assembly is a very low-level language (the lowest above hand-coding
- the binary instruction patterns). This means
- ╖ it's long and tedious to write initially,
- ╖ it's very bug-prone,
- ╖ your bugs will be very difficult to chase,
- ╖ it's very difficult to understand and modify, i.e. to maintain.
- ╖ the result is very non-portable to other architectures, existing or
- future,
- ╖ your code will be optimized only for a certain implementation of a
- same architecture: for instance, among Intel-compatible platforms,
- each CPU design and variation (bus width, relative speed and size
- of CPU/caches/RAM/Bus/disks presence of FPU, MMX extensions, etc)
- implies potentially completely different optimization techniques.
- CPU designs already include Intel 386, 486, Pentium, PPro, Pentium
- II; Cyrix 5x86, 6x86; AMD K5, K6. New designs keep appearing, so
- don't expect either this listing or your code to be up-to-date.
- ╖ your code might also be unportable accross different OS platforms
- on the same architecture, by lack of proper tools. (well, GAS
- seems to work on all platforms; NASM seems to work or be workable
- on all intel platforms).
- ╖ you spend more time on a few details, and can't focus on small and
- large algorithmic design, that are known to bring the largest part
- of the speed up. [e.g. you might spend some time building very
- fast list/array manipulation primitives in assembly; only a hash
- table would have sped up your program much more; or, in another
- context, a binary tree; or some high-level structure distributed
- over a cluster of CPUs]
- ╖ a small change in algorithmic design might completely invalidate
- all your existing assembly code. So that either you're ready (and
- able) to rewrite it all, or you're tied to a particular algorithmic
- design;
- ╖ On code that ain't too far from what's in standard benchmarks,
- commercial optimizing compilers outperform hand-coded assembly
- (well, that's less true on the x86 architecture than on RISC
- architectures, and perhaps less true for widely available/free
- compilers; anyway, for typical C code, GCC is fairly good);
- ╖ And in any case, as says moderator John Levine on comp.compilers,
- ``compilers make it a lot easier to use complex data structures,
- and compilers don't get bored halfway through and generate reliably
- pretty good code.'' They will also correctly propagate code
- transformations throughout the whole (huge) program when optimizing
- code between procedures and module boundaries.
- 2.1.3. Assessment
- All in all, you might find that though using assembly is sometimes
- needed, and might even be useful in a few cases where it is not,
- you'll want to:
- ╖ minimize the use of assembly code,
- ╖ encapsulate this code in well-defined interfaces
- ╖ have your assembly code automatically generated from patterns
- expressed in a higher-level language than assembly (e.g. GCC
- inline-assembly macros).
- ╖ have automatic tools translate these programs into assembly code
- ╖ have this code be optimized if possible
- ╖ All of the above, i.e. write (an extension to) an optimizing
- compiler back-end.
- Even in cases when Assembly is needed (e.g. OS development), you'll
- find that not so much of it is, and that the above principles hold.
- See the sources for the Linux kernel about it: as little assembly as
- needed, resulting in a fast, reliable, portable, maintainable OS.
- Even a successful game like DOOM was almost massively written in C,
- with a tiny part only being written in assembly for speed up.
- 2.2. How to NOT use Assembly
- 2.2.1. General procedure to achieve efficient code
- As says Charles Fiterman on comp.compilers about human vs computer-
- generated assembly code,
- ``The human should always win and here is why.
- ╖ First the human writes the whole thing in a high level language.
- ╖ Second he profiles it to find the hot spots where it spends its
- time.
- ╖ Third he has the compiler produce assembly for those small sections
- of code.
- ╖ Fourth he hand tunes them looking for tiny improvements over the
- machine generated code.
- The human wins because he can use the machine.''
- 2.2.2. Languages with optimizing compilers
- Languages like ObjectiveCAML, SML, CommonLISP, Scheme, ADA, Pascal, C,
- C++, among others, all have free optimizing compilers that'll optimize
- the bulk of your programs, and often do better than hand-coded
- assembly even for tight loops, while allowing you to focus on higher-
- level details, and without forbidding you to grab a few percent of
- extra performance in the above-mentionned way, once you've reached a
- stable design. Of course, there are also commercial optimizing
- compilers for most of these languages, too!
- Some languages have compilers that produce C code, which can be
- further optimized by a C compiler. LISP, Scheme, Perl, and many other
- are suches. Speed is fairly good.
- 2.2.3. General procedure to speed your code up
- As for speeding code up, you should do it only for parts of a program
- that a profiling tool has consistently identified as being a
- performance bottleneck.
- Hence, if you identify some code portion as being too slow, you should
- ╖ first try to use a better algorithm;
- ╖ then try to compile it rather than interpret it;
- ╖ then try to enable and tweak optimization from your compiler;
- ╖ then give the compiler hints about how to optimize (typing
- information in LISP; register usage with GCC; lots of options in
- most compilers, etc).
- ╖ then possibly fallback to assembly programming
- Finally, before you end up writing assembly, you should inspect
- generated code, to check that the problem really is with bad code
- generation, as this might really not be the case: compiler-generated
- code might be better than what you'd have written, particularly on
- modern multi-pipelined architectures! Slow parts of a program might
- be intrinsically so. Biggest problems on modern architectures with
- fast processors are due to delays from memory access, cache-misses,
- TLB-misses, and page-faults; register optimization becomes useless,
- and you'll more profitably re-think data structures and threading to
- achieve better locality in memory access. Perhaps a completely
- different approach to the problem might help, then.
- 2.2.4. Inspecting compiler-generated code
- There are many reasons to inspect compiler-generated assembly code.
- Here are what you'll do with such code:
- ╖ check whether generated code can be obviously enhanced with hand-
- coded assembly (or by tweaking compiler switches)
- ╖ when that's the case, start from generated code and modify it
- instead of starting from scratch
- ╖ more generally, use generated code as stubs to modify, which at
- least gets right the way your assembly routines interface to the
- external world
- ╖ track down bugs in your compiler (hopefully rarer)
- The standard way to have assembly code be generated is to invoke your
- compiler with the -S flag. This works with most Unix compilers,
- including the GNU C Compiler (GCC), but YMMV. As for GCC, it will
- produce more understandable assembly code with the -fverbose-asm
- command-line option. Of course, if you want to get good assembly
- code, don't forget your usual optimization options and hints!
- 3.1. GCC Inline Assembly
- The well-known GNU C/C++ Compiler (GCC), an optimizing 32-bit compiler
- at the heart of the GNU project, supports the x86 architecture quite
- well, and includes the ability to insert assembly code in C programs,
- in such a way that register allocation can be either specified or left
- to GCC. GCC works on most available platforms, notably Linux, *BSD,
- VSTa, OS/2, *DOS, Win*, etc.
- 3.1.1. Where to find GCC
- The original GCC site is the GNU FTP site
- <ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/> together with all the released
- application software from the GNU project. Linux-configured and
- precompiled versions can be found in
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC/> There exists a lot of FTP
- mirrors of both sites. everywhere around the world, as well as CD-ROM
- copies.
- GCC development has split in two branches recently. See more about
- the experimental version, egcs, at <http://www.cygnus.com/egcs/>
- Sources adapted to your favorite OS, and binaries precompiled for it,
- should be found at your usual FTP sites.
- For most popular DOS port of GCC is named DJGPP, and can be found in
- directories of such name in FTP sites. See:
- <http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/>
- There is also a port of GCC to OS/2 named EMX, that also works under
- DOS, and includes lots of unix-emulation library routines. See
- around:
- <http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/gnu/emx+gcc/>
- <http://warp.eecs.berkeley.edu/os2/software/shareware/emx.html>
- <ftp://ftp-os2.cdrom.com/pub/os2/emx09c/>
- 3.1.2. Where to find docs for GCC Inline Asm
- The documentation of GCC includes documentation files in texinfo
- format. You can compile them with tex and print then result, or
- convert them to .info, and browse them with emacs, or convert them to
- .html, or nearly whatever you like. convert (with the right tools) to
- whatever you like, or just read as is. The .info files are generally
- found on any good installation for GCC.
- The right section to look for is: C Extensions::Extended Asm::
- Section Invoking GCC::Submodel Options::i386 Options:: might help too.
- Particularly, it gives the i386 specific constraint names for
- registers: abcdSDB correspond to %eax, %ebx, %ecx, %edx, %esi, %edi,
- %ebp respectively (no letter for %esp).
- The DJGPP Games resource (not only for game hackers) has this page
- specifically about assembly:
- <http://www.rt66.com/~brennan/djgpp/djgpp_asm.html>
- Finally, there is a web page called, ``DJGPP Quick ASM Programming
- Guide'', that covers URLs to FAQs, AT&T x86 ASM Syntax, Some inline
- ASM information, and converting .obj/.lib files:
- <http://remus.rutgers.edu/~avly/djasm.html>
- GCC depends on GAS for assembling, and follow its syntax (see below);
- do mind that inline asm needs percent characters to be quoted so they
- be passed to GAS. See the section about GAS below.
- Find lots of useful examples in the linux/include/asm-i386/
- subdirectory of the sources for the Linux kernel.
- 3.1.3. Invoking GCC to have it properly inline assembly code ?
- Be sure to invoke GCC with the -O flag (or -O2, -O3, etc), to enable
- optimizations and inline assembly. If you don't, your code may
- compile, but not run properly!!! Actually (kudos to Tim Potter,
- timbo@moshpit.air.net.au), it is enough to use the -fasm flag (and
- perhaps -finline-functions) which is part of all the features enabled
- by -O. So if you have problems with buggy optimizations in your
- particular implementation/version of GCC, you can still use inline
- asm. Similarly, use -fno-asm to disable inline assembly (why would
- you?).
- More generally, good compile flags for GCC on the x86 platform are
- ______________________________________________________________________
- gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -m386 -Wall
- ______________________________________________________________________
- -O2 is the good optimization level. Optimizing besides it yields code
- that is a lot larger, but only a bit faster; such overoptimizationn
- might be useful for tight loops only (if any), which you may be doing
- in assembly anyway; if you need that, do it just for the few routines
- that need it.
- -fomit-frame-pointer allows generated code to skip the stupid frame
- pointer maintenance, which makes code smaller and faster, and frees a
- register for further optimizations. It precludes the easy use of
- debugging tools (gdb), but when you use these, you just don't care
- about size and speed anymore anyway.
- -m386 yields more compact code, without any measurable slowdown, (note
- that small code also means less disk I/O and faster execution) but
- perhaps on the above-mentioned tight loops; you might appreciate
- -mpentium for special pentium-optimizing GCC targetting a specifically
- pentium platform.
- -Wall enables all warnings and helps you catch obvious stupid errors.
- To optimize even more, option -mregparm=2 and/or corresponding
- function attribute might help, but might pose lots of problems when
- linking to foreign code...
- Note that you can add make these flags the default by editing file
- /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ or wherever that is on your
- system (better not add -Wall there, though).
- 3.2. GAS
- GAS is the GNU Assembler, that GCC relies upon.
- 3.2.1. Where to find it
- Find it at the same place where you found GCC, in a package named
- binutils.
- 3.2.2. What is this AT&T syntax
- Because GAS was invented to support a 32-bit unix compiler, it uses
- standard ``AT&T'' syntax, which resembles a lot the syntax for
- standard m68k assemblers, and is standard in the UNIX world. This
- syntax is no worse, no better than the ``Intel'' syntax. It's just
- different. When you get used to it, you find it much more regular
- than the Intel syntax, though a bit boring.
- Here are the major caveats about GAS syntax:
- ╖ Register names are prefixed with %, so that registers are %eax, %dl
- and suches instead of just eax, dl, etc. This makes it possible to
- include external C symbols directly in assembly source, without any
- risk of confusion, or any need for ugly underscore prefixes.
- ╖ The order of operands is source(s) first, and destination last, as
- opposed to the intel convention of destination first and sources
- last. Hence, what in intel syntax is mov ax,dx (move contents of
- register dx into register ax) will be in att syntax mov %dx, %ax.
- ╖ The operand length is specified as a suffix to the instruction
- name. The suffix is b for (8-bit) byte, w for (16-bit) word, and l
- for (32-bit) long. For instance, the correct syntax for the above
- instruction would have been movw %dx,%ax. However, gas does not
- require strict att syntax was, so the suffix is optional when
- length can be guessed from register operands, and else defaults to
- 32-bit (with a warning).
- ╖ Immediate operands are marked with a $ prefix, as in addl $5,%eax
- (add immediate long value 5 to register %eax).
- ╖ No prefix to an operand indicates it is a memory-address; hence
- movl $foo,%eax puts the address of variable foo in register %eax,
- but movl foo,%eax puts the contents of variable foo in register
- %eax.
- ╖ Indexing or indirection is done by enclosing the index register or
- indirection memory cell address in parentheses, as in testb
- $0x80,17(%ebp) (test the high bit of the byte value at offset 17
- from the cell pointed to by %ebp).
- A program exists to help you convert programs from TASM syntax to AT&T
- syntax. See
- <ftp://x2ftp.oulu.fi/pub/msdos/programming/convert/ta2asv08.zip>
- GAS has comprehensive documentation in TeXinfo format, which comes at
- least with the source distribution. Browse extracted .info pages with
- Emacs or whatever. There used to be a file named gas.doc or as.doc
- around the GAS source package, but it was merged into the TeXinfo
- docs. Of course, in case of doubt, the ultimate documentation is the
- sources themselves! A section that will particularly interest you is
- Machine Dependencies::i386-Dependent::
- Again, the sources for Linux (the OS kernel), come in as good
- examples; see under linux/arch/i386, the following files: kernel/*.S,
- boot/compressed/*.S, mathemu/*.S
- If you are writing kind of a language, a thread package, etc you might
- as well see how other languages (OCaml, gforth, etc), or thread
- packages (QuickThreads, MIT pthreads, LinuxThreads, etc), or whatever,
- do it.
- Finally, just compiling a C program to assembly might show you the
- syntax for the kind of instructions you want. See section ``Do you
- need Assembly?'' above.
- 3.2.3. Limited 16-bit mode
- GAS is a 32-bit assembler, meant to support a 32-bit compiler. It
- currently has only limited support for 16-bit mode, which consists in
- prepending the 32-bit prefixes to instructions, so you write 32-bit
- code that runs in 16-bit mode on a 32 bit CPU. In both modes, it
- supports 16-bit register usage, but what is unsupported is 16-bit
- addressing. Use the directive .code16 and .code32 to switch between
- modes. Note that an inline assembly statement asm(".code16\n") will
- allow GCC to produce 32-bit code that'll run in real mode!
- I've been told that most code needed to fully support 16-bit mode
- programming was added to GAS by Bryan Ford (please confirm?), but at
- least, it doesn't show up in any of the distribution I tried, up to
- binutils-2.8.1.x ... more info on this subject would be welcome.
- A cheap solution is to define macros (see below) that somehow produce
- the binary encoding (with .byte) for just the 16-bit mode instructions
- you need (almost nothing if you use code16 as above, and can safely
- assume the code will run on a 32-bit capable x86 CPU). To find the
- proper encoding, you can get inspiration from the sources of 16-bit
- capable assemblers for the encoding.
- 3.3. GASP
- GASP is the GAS Preprocessor. It adds macros and some nice syntax to
- GAS.
- 3.3.1. Where to find GASP
- GASP comes together with GAS in the GNU binutils archive.
- 3.3.2. How it works
- It works as a filter, much like cpp and the like. I have no idea on
- details, but it comes with its own texinfo documentation, so just
- browse them (in .info), print them, grok them. GAS with GASP looks
- like a regular macro-assembler to me.
- 3.4. NASM
- The Netwide Assembler project is producing yet another assembler,
- written in C, that should be modular enough to eventually support all
- known syntaxes and object formats.
- 3.4.1. Where to find NASM
- <http://www.cryogen.com/Nasm>
- Binary release on your usual sunsite mirror in devel/lang/asm/ Should
- also be available as .rpm or .deb in your usual RedHat/Debian
- distributions' contrib.
- 3.4.2. What it does
- At the time this HOWTO is written, the current NASM version is 0.96.
- The syntax is Intel-style. Some macroprocessing support is
- integrated.
- Supported object file formats are bin, aout, coff, elf, as86, (DOS)
- obj, win32, (their own format) rdf.
- NASM can be used as a backend for the free LCC compiler (support files
- included).
- Surely NASM evolves too fast for this HOWTO to be kept up to date.
- Unless you're using BCC as a 16-bit compiler (which is out of scope of
- this 32-bit HOWTO), you should use NASM instead of say AS86 or MASM,
- because it is actively supported online, and runs on all platforms.
- Note: NASM also comes with a disassembler, NDISASM.
- Its hand-written parser makes it much faster than GAS, though of
- course, it doesn't support three bazillion different architectures.
- For the x86 target, it should be the assembler of choice...
- 3.5. AS86
- AS86 is a 80x86 assembler, both 16-bit and 32-bit, part of Bruce
- Evans' C Compiler (BCC). It has mostly Intel-syntax, though it
- differs slightly as for addressing modes.
- 3.5.1. Where to get AS86
- A completely outdated version of AS86 is distributed by HJLu just to
- compile the Linux kernel, in a package named bin86 (current version
- 0.4), available in any Linux GCC repository. But I advise no one to
- use it for anything else but compiling Linux. This version supports
- only a hacked minix object file format, which is not supported by the
- GNU binutils or anything, and it has a few bugs in 32-bit mode, so you
- really should better keep it only for compiling Linux.
- The most recent versions by Bruce Evans (bde@zeta.org.au) are
- published together with the FreeBSD distribution. Well, they were: I
- could not find the sources from distribution 2.1 on :( Hence, I put
- the sources at my place:
- <http:///www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/files/bcc-95.3.12.src.tgz>
- The Linux/8086 (aka ELKS) project is somehow maintaining bcc (though I
- don't think they included the 32-bit patches). See around
- <http://www.linux.org.uk/Linux8086.html> <ftp://linux.mit.edu/>.
- Among other things, these more recent versions, unlike HJLu's,
- supports Linux GNU a.out format, so you can link you code to Linux
- programs, and/or use the usual tools from the GNU binutil package to
- manipulate your data. This version can co-exist without any harm with
- the previous one (see according question below).
- BCC from 12 march 1995 and earlier version has a misfeature that makes
- all segment pushing/popping 16-bit, which is quite annoying when
- programming in 32-bit mode. A patch is published in the Tunes project
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Tunes/> subpage
- files/tgz/tunes. in unpacked subdirectory LLL/i386/
- The patch should also be in available directly from
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/files/as86.bcc.patch.gz>
- Bruce Evans accepted this patch, so if there is a more recent version
- of bcc somewhere someday, the patch should have been included...
- 3.5.2. How to invoke the assembler?
- Here's the GNU Makefile entry for using bcc to transform .s asm into
- both GNU a.out .o object and .l listing:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- %.o %.l: %.s
- bcc -3 -G -c -A-d -A-l -A$*.l -o $*.o $<
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Remove the %.l, -A-l, and -A$*.l, if you don't want any listing. If
- you want something else than GNU a.out, you can see the docs of bcc
- about the other supported formats, and/or use the objcopy utility from
- the GNU binutils package.
- 3.5.3. Where to find docs
- The docs are what is included in the bcc package. Man pages are also
- available somewhere on the FreeBSD site. When in doubt, the sources
- themselves are often a good docs: it's not very well commented, but
- the programming style is straightforward. You might try to see how
- as86 is used in Tunes
- 3.5.4. What if I can't compile Linux anymore with this new version ?
- Linus is buried alive in mail, and my patch for compiling Linux with a
- Linux a.out as86 didn't make it to him (!). Now, this shouldn't
- matter: just keep your as86 from the bin86 package in /usr/bin, and
- let bcc install the good as86 as /usr/local/libexec/i386/bcc/as where
- it should be. You never need explicitly call this ``good'' as86,
- because bcc does everything right, including conversion to Linux
- a.out, when invoked with the right options; so assemble files
- exclusively with bcc as a frontend, not directly with as86.
- These are other, non-regular, options, in case the previous didn't
- satisfy you (why?), that I don't recommend in the usual (?) case, but
- that could prove quite useful if the assembler must be integrated in
- the software you're designing (i.e. an OS or development environment).
- 3.6.1. Win32Forth assembler
- Win32Forth is a free 32-bit ANS FORTH system that successfully runs
- under Win32s, Win95, Win/NT. It includes a free 32-bit assembler
- (either prefix or postfix syntax) integrated into the FORTH language.
- Macro processing is done with the full power of the reflective
- language FORTH; however, the only supported input and output contexts
- is Win32For itself (no dumping of .obj file -- you could add that
- yourself, of course). Find it at
- <ftp://ftp.forth.org/pub/Forth/win32for/>
- 3.6.2. Terse
- Terse is a programming tool that provides THE most compact assembler
- syntax for the x86 family! See <http://www.terse.com>. It is said
- that there was a free clone somewhere, that was abandonned after
- worthless pretenses that the syntax would be owned by the original
- author, and that I invite you to take over, in case the syntax
- interests you.
- 3.6.3. Non-free and/or Non-32bit x86 assemblers.
- You may find more about them, together with the basics of x86 assembly
- programming, in Raymond Moon's FAQ for comp.lang.asm.x86
- <http://www2.dgsys.com/~raymoon/faq/asmfaq.zip>
- Note that all DOS-based assemblers should work inside the Linux DOS
- Emulator, as well as other similar emulators, so that if you already
- own one, you can still use it inside a real OS. Recent DOS-based
- assemblers also support COFF and/or other object file formats that are
- supported by the GNU BFD library, so that you can use them together
- with your free 32-bit tools, perhaps using GNU objcopy (part of the
- binutils) as a conversion filter.
- Assembly programming is a bore, but for critical parts of programs.
- You should use the appropriate tool for the right task, so don't
- choose assembly when it's not fit; C, OCAML, perl, Scheme, might be a
- better choice for most of your programming.
- However, there are cases when these tools do not give a fine enough
- control on the machine, and assembly is useful or needed. In those
- case, you'll appreciate a system of macroprocessing and
- metaprogramming that'll allow recurring patterns to be factored each
- into a one indefinitely reusable definition, which allows safer
- programming, automatic propagation of pattern modification, etc. A
- ``plain'' assembler is often not enough, even when one is doing only
- small routines to link with C.
- 4.1. What's integrated into the above
- Yes I know this section does not contain much useful up-to-date
- information. Feel free to contribute what you discover the hard
- way...
- 4.1.1. GCC
- GCC allows (and requires) you to specify register constraints in your
- ``inline assembly'' code, so the optimizer always know about it; thus,
- inline assembly code is really made of patterns, not forcibly exact
- code.
- Then, you can make put your assembly into CPP macros, and inline C
- functions, so anyone can use it in as any C function/macro. Inline
- functions resemble macros very much, but are sometimes cleaner to use.
- Beware that in all those cases, code will be duplicated, so only local
- labels (of 1: style) should be defined in that asm code. However, a
- macro would allow the name for a non local defined label to be passed
- as a parameter (or else, you should use additional meta-programming
- methods). Also, note that propagating inline asm code will spread
- potential bugs in them, so watch out doubly for register constraints
- in such inline asm code.
- Lastly, the C language itself may be considered as a good abstraction
- to assembly programming, which relieves you from most of the trouble
- of assembling.
- Beware that some optimizations that involve passing arguments to
- functions through registers may make those functions unsuitable to be
- called from external (and particularly hand-written assembly) routines
- in the standard way; the "asmlinkage" attribute may prevent a routine
- to be concerned by such optimization flag; see the linux kernel
- sources for examples.
- 4.1.2. GAS
- GAS has some macro capability included, as detailed in the texinfo
- docs. Moreover, while GCC recognizes .s files as raw assembly to send
- to GAS, it also recognizes .S files as files to pipe through CPP
- before to feed them to GAS. Again and again, see Linux sources for
- examples.
- 4.1.3. GASP
- It adds all the usual macroassembly tricks to GAS. See its texinfo
- docs.
- 4.1.4. NASM
- NASM has some macro support, too. See according docs. If you have
- some bright idea, you might wanna contact the authors, as they are
- actively developing it. Meanwhile, see about external filters below.
- 4.1.5. AS86
- It has some simple macro support, but I couldn't find docs. Now the
- sources are very straightforward, so if you're interested, you should
- understand them easily. If you need more than the basics, you should
- use an external filter (see below).
- ╖ Win32FORTH: CODE and END-CODE are normal that do not switch from
- interpretation mode to compilation mode, so you have access to the
- full power of FORTH while assembling.
- ╖ TUNES: it doesn't work yet, but the Scheme language is a real high-
- level language that allows arbitrary meta-programming.
- 4.2. External Filters
- Whatever is the macro support from your assembler, or whatever
- language you use (even C !), if the language is not expressive enough
- to you, you can have files passed through an external filter with a
- Makefile rule like that:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- %.s: %.S other_dependencies
- $(FILTER) $(FILTER_OPTIONS) < $< > $@
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 4.2.1. CPP
- CPP is truely not very expressive, but it's enough for easy things,
- it's standard, and called transparently by GCC.
- As an example of its limitations, you can't declare objects so that
- destructors are automatically called at the end of the declaring
- block; you don't have diversions or scoping, etc.
- CPP comes with any C compiler. If you could make it without one, don't
- bother fetching CPP (though I wonder how you could).
- 4.2.2. M4
- M4 gives you the full power of macroprocessing, with a Turing
- equivalent language, recursion, regular expressions, etc. You can do
- with it everything that CPP cannot.
- See macro4th/This4th from <ftp://ftp.forth.org/pub/Forth/> in
- Reviewed/ ANS/ (?), or the Tunes sources as examples of
- advanced macroprogramming using m4.
- However, its disfunctional quoting and unquoting semantics force you
- to use explicit continuation-passing tail-recursive macro style if you
- want to do advanced macro programming (which is remindful of TeX --
- BTW, has anyone tried to use TeX as a macroprocessor for anything else
- than typesetting ?). This is NOT worse than CPP that does not allow
- quoting and recursion anyway.
- The right version of m4 to get is GNU m4 1.4 (or later if exists),
- which has the most features and the least bugs or limitations of all.
- m4 is designed to be slow for anything but the simplest uses, which
- might still be ok for most assembly programming (you're not writing
- million-lines assembly programs, are you?).
- 4.2.3. Macroprocessing with yer own filter
- You can write your own simple macro-expansion filter with the usual
- tools: perl, awk, sed, etc. That's quick to do, and you control
- everything. But of course, any power in macroprocessing must be
- earned the hard way.
- 4.2.4. Metaprogramming
- Instead of using an external filter that expands macros, one way to do
- things is to write programs that write part or all of other programs.
- For instance, you could use a program outputing source code
- ╖ to generate sine/cosine/whatever lookup tables,
- ╖ to extract a source-form representation of a binary file,
- ╖ to compile your bitmaps into fast display routines,
- ╖ to extract documentation, initialization/finalization code,
- description tables, as well as normal code from the same source
- files,
- ╖ to have customized assembly code, generated from a
- perl/shell/scheme script that does arbitrary processing,
- ╖ to propagate data defined at one point only into several cross-
- referencing tables and code chunks.
- ╖ etc.
- Think about it!
- Backends from existing compilers
- Compilers like SML/NJ, Objective CAML, MIT-Scheme, etc, do have their
- own generic assembler backend, which you might or not want to use, if
- you intend to generate code semi-automatically from the according
- languages.
- The New-Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit
- There is a project, using the programming language Icon, to build a
- basis for producing assembly-manipulating code. See around
- <http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~nr/toolkit/>
- Tunes
- The Tunes OS project is developping its own assembler as an extension
- to the Scheme language, as part of its development process. It
- doesn't run at all yet, though help is welcome.
- The assembler manipulates symbolic syntax trees, so it could equally
- serve as the basis for a assembly syntax translator, a disassembler, a
- common assembler/compiler back-end, etc. Also, the full power of a
- real language, Scheme, make it unchallenged as for
- macroprocessing/metaprograming.
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Tunes/>
- 5.1. Linux
- 5.1.1. Linking to GCC
- That's the preferred way. Check GCC docs and examples from Linux
- kernel .S files that go through gas (not those that go through as86).
- 32-bit arguments are pushed down stack in reverse syntactic order
- (hence accessed/popped in the right order), above the 32-bit near
- return address. %ebp, %esi, %edi, %ebx are callee-saved, other
- registers are caller-saved; %eax is to hold the result, or %edx:%eax
- for 64-bit results.
- FP stack: I'm not sure, but I think it's result in st(0), whole stack
- caller-saved.
- Note that GCC has options to modify the calling conventions by
- reserving registers, having arguments in registers, not assuming the
- FPU, etc. Check the i386 .info pages.
- Beware that you must then declare the cdecl attribute for a function
- that will follow standard GCC calling conventions (I don't know what
- it does with modified calling conventions). See in the GCC info pages
- the section: C Extensions::Extended Asm::
- 5.1.2. ELF vs a.out problems
- Some C compilers prepend an underscore before every symbol, while
- others do not.
- Particularly, Linux a.out GCC does such prepending, while Linux ELF
- GCC does not.
- If you need cope with both behaviors at once, see how existing
- packages do. For instance, get an old Linux source tree, the Elk,
- qthreads, or OCAML...
- You can also override the implicit C->asm renaming by inserting
- statements like
- ______________________________________________________________________
- void foo asm("bar") (void);
- ______________________________________________________________________
- to be sure that the C function foo will be called really bar in assem¡
- bly.
- Note that the utility objcopy, from the binutils package, should allow
- you to transform your a.out objects into ELF objects, and perhaps the
- contrary too, in some cases. More generally, it will do lots of file
- format conversions.
- 5.1.3. Direct Linux syscalls
- This is specifically NOT recommended, because the conventions change
- from time to time or from kernel flavor to kernel flavor (cf L4Linux),
- plus it's not portable, it's a burden to write, it's redundant with
- the libc effort, AND it precludes fixes and extensions that are made
- to the libc, like, for instance the zlibc package, that does on-the-
- fly transparent decompression of gzip-compressed files. The standard,
- recommended way to call Linux system services is, and will stay, to go
- through the libc.
- Shared objects should keep your stuff small. And if you really want
- smaller binaries, do use #! stuff, with the interpreter having all the
- overhead you want to keep out of your binaries.
- Now, if for some reason, you don't want to link to the libc, go get
- the libc and understand how it works! After all, you're pretending to
- replace it, ain't you?
- You might also take a look at how my eforth 1.0c
- <ftp://ftp.forth.org/pub/Forth/Linux/linux-eforth-1.0c.tgz> does it.
- The sources for Linux come in handy, too, particularly the
- asm/unistd.h header file, that describes how to do system calls...
- Basically, you issue an int $0x80, with the __NR_syscallname number
- (from asm/unistd.h) in %eax, and parameters (up to five) in %ebx,
- %ecx, %edx, %esi, %edi respectively. Result is returned in %eax, with
- a negative result being an error whose opposite is what libc would put
- in errno. The user-stack is not touched, so you needn't have a valid
- one when doing a syscall.
- 5.1.4. I/O under Linux
- If you want to do direct I/O under Linux, either it's something very
- simple that needn't OS arbitration, and you should see the IO-Port-
- Programming mini-HOWTO; or it needs a kernel device driver, and you
- should try to learn more about kernel hacking, device driver
- development, kernel modules, etc, for which there are other excellent
- HOWTOs and documents from the LDP.
- Particularly, if what you want is Graphics programming, then do join
- the GGI project: <http://synergy.caltech.edu/~ggi/>
- <http://sunserver1.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~becka/doc/scrdrv.html>
- Anyway, in all these cases, you'll be better off using GCC inline
- assembly with the macros from linux/asm/*.h than writing full assembly
- source files.
- 5.1.5. Accessing 16-bit drivers from Linux/i386
- Such thing is theoretically possible (proof: see how DOSEMU can
- selectively grant hardware port access to programs),and I've heard
- rumors that someone somewhere did actually do it (in the PCI driver?
- Some VESA access stuff? ISA PnP? dunno). If you have some more
- precise information on that, you'll be most welcome. Anyway, good
- places to look for more information are the Linux kernel sources,
- DOSEMU sources (and other programs in the DOSEMU repository
- <ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/ALPHA/dosemu/>), and sources for
- various low-level programs under Linux... (perhaps GGI if it supports
- VESA).
- Basically, you must either use 16-bit protected mode or vm86 mode.
- The first is simpler to setup, but only works with well-behaved code
- that won't do any kind of segment arithmetics or absolute segment
- addressing (particularly addressing segment 0), unless by chance it
- happens that all segments used can be setup in advance in the LDT.
- The later allows for more "compatibility" with vanilla 16-bit
- environments, but requires more complicated handling.
- In both cases, before you can jump to 16-bit code, you must
- ╖ mmap any absolute address used in the 16-bit code (such as ROM,
- video buffers, DMA targets, and memory-mapped I/O) from /dev/mem to
- your process' address space,
- ╖ setup the LDT and/or vm86 mode monitor.
- ╖ grab proper I/O permissions from the kernel (see the above section)
- Again, carefully read the source for the stuff contributed to the
- DOSEMU repository above, particularly these mini-emulators for running
- ELKS and/or simple .COM programs under Linux/i386.
- 5.2. DOS
- Most DOS extenders come with some interface to DOS services. Read
- their docs about that, but often, they just simulate int $0x21 and
- such, so you do ``as if'' you were in real mode (I doubt they have
- more than stubs and extend things to work with 32-bit operands; they
- most likely will just reflect the interrupt into the real-mode or vm86
- handler).
- Docs about DPMI and such (and much more) can be found on
- <ftp://x2ftp.oulu.fi/pub/msdos/programming/>
- DJGPP comes with its own (limited) glibc
- derivative/subset/replacement, too.
- It is possible to cross-compile from Linux to DOS, see the
- devel/msdos/ directory of your local FTP mirror for sunsite.unc.edu
- Also see the MOSS dos-extender from the Flux project in utah.
- Other documents and FAQs are more DOS-centered. We do not recommend
- DOS development.
- 5.3. Winblows and suches
- Hey, this document covers only free software. Ring me when Winblows
- becomes free, or when there are free dev tools for it!
- Well, after all there is: Cygnus Solutions <http://www.cygnus.com> has
- developped the cygwin32.dll library, for GNU programs to run on
- MacroShit platforms. Thus, you can use GCC, GAS, all the GNU tools,
- and many other Unix applications. Have a look around their homepage.
- I (FarΘ) don't intend to expand on Losedoze programming, but I'm sure
- you can find lots of documents about it everywhere...
- 5.4. Yer very own OS
- Control being what attract many programmers to assembly, want of OS
- development is often what leads to or stems from assembly hacking.
- Note that any system that allows self-development could be qualified
- an "OS" even though it might run "on top" of an underlying system that
- multitasking or I/O (much like Linux over Mach or OpenGenera over
- Unix), etc. Hence, for easier debugging purpose, you might like to
- develop your ``OS'' first as a process running on top of Linux
- (despite the slowness), then use the Flux OS kit
- <http://ww.cs.utah.edu/projects/flux/> (which grants use of Linux and
- BSD drivers in yer own OS) to make it standalone. When your OS is
- stable, it's still time to write your own hardware drivers if you
- really love that.
- This HOWTO will not itself cover topics such as Boot loader code &
- getting into 32-bit mode, Handling Interrupts, The basics about intel
- ``protected mode'' or ``V86/R86'' braindeadness, defining your object
- format and calling conventions. The main place where to find reliable
- information about that all is source code of existing OSes and
- bootloaders. Lots of pointers lie in the following WWW page:
- <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Tunes/Review/OSes.html>
- ╖ fill incomplete sections
- ╖ add more pointers to software and docs
- ╖ add simple examples from real life to illustrate the syntax, power,
- and limitations of each proposed solution.
- ╖ ask people to help with this HOWTO
- ╖ find someone who has got some time to takeover the maintenance
- ╖ perhaps give a few words for assembly on other platforms?
- ╖ A few pointers (in addition to those already in the rest of the
- ╖ pentium manuals <http://www.intel.com/design/pentium/manuals/>
- ╖ cpu bugs in the x86 family <http://www.xs4all.nl/~feldmann>
- ╖ hornet.eng.ufl.edu for assembly coders <http://www.eng.ufl.edu/ftp>
- ╖ ftp.luth.se <ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos/code/>
- ╖ PM FAQ <ftp://zfja-gate.fuw.edu.pl/cpu/protect.mod>
- ╖ 80x86 Assembly Page <http://www.fys.ruu.nl/~faber/Amain.html>
- ╖ Courseware <http://www.cit.ac.nz/smac/csware.htm>
- ╖ game programming <http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~phart/gameprog.html>
- ╖ experiments with asm-only linux programming
- <http://bewoner.dma.be/JanW>
- ╖ And of course, do use your usual Internet Search Tools to look for
- more information, and tell me anything interesting you find!
- Authors' .sig:
- -- , , _ v ~ ^ --
- -- Fare -- rideau@clipper.ens.fr -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
- -- ' / . --
- Join the TUNES project for a computing system based on computing freedom !
- TUNES is a Useful, Not Expedient System
- WWW page at URL: http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/rideau/Tunes/